Astrology match making kundli
Dating > Astrology match making kundli
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Dating > Astrology match making kundli
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Click here: ※ Astrology match making kundli ※ ♥ Astrology match making kundli
The second and third house represent wealth and relationships respectively. By Kushagra Pandey, CA, Sydney It is a very good website, I highly recommend askganesha.
Also known as janam-patri, this is prepared by knowing the exact time, date and place of birth of a child. Poosam Male Goat 6. Hence Gun Milan less or more, the match could be good or bad depends on. Astrology Astrology is the study based on the movement of celestial objects like the Sun, Moon and Planets and their effect on Humans lives and has influence over or are correlated with earthly events. Nara or Manav Human — Gemini, Virgo, Libra and first glad of Sagittarius. Friend Yoni Friendly Yoni indicates harmonious relationships between the couple. Health of the individual is analyzed by considering various aspects like possibilities of accidents or major diseases.
Uthiradam Female Cow 23. Nadi 8 Total 36 The last three kootas are obviously the last three kootas are obviously very important because they account for more than 50% of the total score of 36. The First House is known as the house of self and reflects your inner characteristics such as wisdom, peace, health etc. It can shine the light on inner contradictions and natural strengths.
Horoscope Matching | Kundali Matching | Kundali Milan based on Ashta Kuta - What are the ways to perform it?
In Hindu scriptures, marriage has a great place and is considered to be a religious relationship. It is not any ordinary relationship but a spiritual union of two souls. Since it is such an important and sacred union, it is very important to ensure that the mental, physical, intellectual and religious features of the bride and groom are taken into account and matched properly to avoid any confusion or problems in the future. Marriage matching or match making is a solemn decision taken on behalf of the boy and a girl before they tie the knot to hold and to behold each other for the rest of their lives. Everyone wishes for successful married life. Parent enquires about family background, education, physical appearance before choosing the bride and groom for their son and daughter, respectively. Between all these criteria, horoscope compatibility should not be ignored. It provides the assurance for happy married life. Name itself denotes the nature of the person falling under these catagriese by matching the kundli of boy and girl. The science of horoscope believes in the fact that planetary system affects human beings in the same way as magnets attract iron. Horoscopes Matching requires the service of learned astrologer. The horoscope of an individual is studied for important planets and their positions. Horoscope matching is highly recommended before tying knot. These all tests add up to 36 points or guna and a score below 18 is not considered a good match according to traditional astrology. Ashtakoot Factor Number of Gunas 1. Graha Maitrai 5 6. Nadi 8 Total 36 The last three kootas are obviously the last three kootas are obviously very important because they account for more than 50% of the total score of 36. In this article, the emphasis is on Bhakootor Rashikoot which carries 7 points or roughly 20% of the total score. Some people misunderstood kundli matching with only matching gunas but this matching is far more than matching gunas. Varna — Mental work Compatibility Divided into 4 catagories Brahmins Kshatriyas, vaishays and shudras. Chatuspada Quadruped — Aries, Taurus, latter half of Sagittarius and first half of Capricorn. The quadruped signs are more sensual and earthy by nature. Nara or Manav Human — Gemini, Virgo, Libra and first half of Sagittarius. These are human in their feelings and attractions. Jalachara Living in water — Cancer, second half of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, they are more emotional and soft in their behaviour 4. Keeta Insect — Scorpio. Insect can hover and not always settle down in a relationship. They want to taste many flowers but may not want to settle down. Vanachara Wandering in Forests — Leo. Ashwini Male Horse 2. Bharani Male Elephant 3. Rohini Male snake cobra 4. Thiruvathirai male Dog 5. Poosam Male Goat 6. Aayilyam Male cat 7. Maham Male rat Mouse 8. Uthiram Male Ox 9. Swathi Male buffalo 11. Kettai Male Deer 12. Poorathathi Male Monkey 13. Poorathathi Male Monkey 14. Karthikai Female Goat 15. Mrigashrish Female Elephant 16. Punarpoosam Female cat 17. Pooram Female Tiger 18. Hastham Female Buffalo 19. Visakam Female Tiger 20. Anusham Female Deer 21. Moolam Female Dog 22. Uthiradam Female Cow 23. Thiruvonam Female Monkey 24. Avittam Female Lion 25. Sathayam Female Monkey 26. Uthiratathi Female Cow 27. Revathi Female Elephant Maitri- Matching of Lords of Birth Moon Signs Guna Points: 5 Grahamaitri is the friendship between Rashi lords of the Moon signs of the Girl and Boy. It indicates mental qualities and mutual love of the two people. In this kuta the two rashi lords can be friends, enemies or neutral to each other. Varna: Varna Brahmin M Kshatriya M Vaishya M Shudra M Brahmin F 1 0 0 0 Kshatriya F 1 1 0 0 Vaishya F 1 1 1 0 Shudra F 1 1 1 1 1 point shows excellent compatibility, mutual respect and understanding between the partners. If the vashya is consumable then the score obtained is ½, if the vashya are mutual opponents then the score obtained is 0. If remainder is even number then it is understood auspicious compatibility. If remainder is even number then it is understood auspicious compatibility. And, this parameter will grant 3 points. If even number is obtain in one case and odd number in other case then only 1. If in both case only odd number comes, it generates 0 score. Through positional distance of birth star of partners, it is also assessed that how much both are beneficial to each other. For this, concept of triad of stars, namely Janam, Sampat, Vipat etc is applied. There are 9 nakshatras that make up each triad. Here compatibility points are generated on the basis of calculations with reference to these nakshatra groups in the horoscope. Yoni Classification of Yoni on the basis of Nakshatra Yoni Nakshatra Ashwa Ashwini, Shatbheesha Gaja Bharanu, Revati Mesh Pushya, Kritika Sarpa Rohini, Mrigsheera Shwan Mool, Arda Marjara Ashlesha, Purnavasu Mushaka Magha, Purvaphalguni Gau Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Bhadrapad Mahisha Swati, Hasta Vyagrah Vishakha, Chitra Mriga Jyeshtha, Anuradha Swabhava Yoni Swabhava Yoni indicates that the boy and the girl both belong to same Yoni. Such marriage is considered to be auspicious. Friend Yoni Friendly Yoni indicates harmonious relationships between the couple. Neutral Yoni If both bride and groom both belong to neutral yoni then the married life is likely to be average. Opposite Yoni If bride and groom are placed in the opposite Yoni, then the marriage is not considered auspicious. Enemy Yoni If the bride and groom have enemy Yoni, then they should not marry each other because this relationship may create problems in the married life. Points for Yoni Milan Yoni milan, Yoni Dosha or Yoni Koot have been allocated 4 points. Yoni milan is traditionally used to match the horoscope of bride and groom for the purpose of marriage.. People with neutral Yoni are similar in nature. It is seen that they have similar values and interests also. Her and His Rasi Lords Relationship No. This koota shows general family welfare and family growth, by the way of health and progeny, financial and professional status. In this case0 point is assigned. On contrary, 7 points are given that shows excellent result in this sphere. Nadi Koota 8 points This parameter of Kundali Milan showsoutwardspiritual, physique, internal metabolism and hereditary factors i. It is most important factor of Ashta Koota and carries maximum point i. There are three nadi viz, Aadi, Antya and Madhya Nadi. It different, it is well and good. If these are same, it is not recommendable to marry. In the olden days Rishis or knowledgeable men laid down several rules for public welfare with the help of their divine vision and knowledge. They did extensive investigation and research and came up with a series of guidelines that we need to follow to enjoy a happy and successful life. When we follow the instructions given to us by such enlightened men, we are bound to enter a life of prosperity and happiness and one of the best ways to lead a happy life is by having a life partner who is compatible with you in many ways. To get such a life partner we need to ensure that our horoscope matches with each other. It ensures that both the husband and wife will be compatible with each other. So if we follow some of these simple instructions we are bound to have a long and everlasting happy marriage and love relationship.